Saturday, February 28, 2009


I must start by first thanking my wife. Thanks babe. Thanks for watching the kids. I totally wasn't expecting any quiet time right now, I promise I'll make the best of it. So, no blowing off the morning playing WoW.

Of the 7 stories in the short story cycle, I finished 2. That's not very good. They have probably both come in around 5000 words, so extrapolating that would give me 35,000 words which is considerable. Nice little novellette going for me. Toward the end of the second story, I was rushing it. I don't think it came out good at all, and need considerable work. But the story is done. I got my hero to the point that he needs to be. And the rest of the crew hungering for revenge. Sorry for blowing that deadline Mike, I'm just not a fast writer. It seemed so doable when I started. We all write at different paces. Mine, a bit slower than most I'd bet.

I still need to edit Lost Pages. I want to get that out to the markets, see if it can find a home. I like the story. I think too in writing this last story for the Cycle, I've decided I like writing fantasy a lot more than sci-fi. I love reading sci-fi, but I'm not so good with writing the science side of things. Mostly just ends up an adventure in space. Not that there is anything wrong with that, other franchises have seemed to pull that off pretty well (Star Wars?). I have a lot of themes in the Cycle that I'm trying to tackle at the same time. Maybe too much.

I still want to tell the story of the Vhor (my aliens in the Cycle), but I think for the immediate future I'm going to take a break from that, and write the follow-up story to Lost Pages.

I've also decided I write much better when I have some kind of outline before me. It gave my cycle a lot more direction. I have a loose outline for the Lost Pages stories. Once I finish both (Lost Pages, and Cycle) I need to look seriously at writing up an outline for the novel. It's still rolling around in the back of my head, but I haven't worked on it in a few months.

So, that's where I am. Time to get to writing.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Writing Along

I was wrinting along last night, all was going well. Then I dozed off and completely lost my train of thought. Picked it back up this morning and all is well again.

This challenge is 7 interconnected stories. Yet they need to be able to stand alone. ABDCE. While I am enjoying the project, it's certainly not turning about to be short by any stretch of the imagination. Then of course is the worry about whether or not I'll be able to sell it later. Maybe pick the best and send that one off, hoping a mag would pick up the others afterwards. Or try and sell it as a group. We shall see. I really am enjoying writing the story. I guess that is the main part. I'd just like to see something come of it after I'm done. Something more than my own satisfaction at seeing it completed.

edit: I guess I should worry about getting this done more than I should worry about whether or not it will be published.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday the 13th!

I haven't updated this in a bit. I had Strep and I'm recovering from that now. Life keeping me busy. Knocked out taxes last weekend. Kids keeping me busy. You know, that kind of stuff.

The story for the challenge is still moving along. Mike moved the deadline back to the end of the month, but I still don't know that I'll be able to finish it. I don't write short short stories (at least not well) nor do I write fast. I'm almost to the end of the second story. I like the way it's coming together, just need to put the time into making it happen.

Joss Whedon's Dollhouse is premiering tonight, so we'll definitely be watching that. In Joss We trust.