Sunday, June 27, 2010

and then it got really crazy...

Well. Last Tuesday I was laid off. Along with 30 or so other people. I am still rather surprised that it all happened like that. I haven't wasted any time though and have sent out around 50 resumes. Give or take not really sure how many it has been in total.

So with all the insanity, I haven't take much time to write either. Any concept of a schedule and time I was setting aside for writing has been canned for the moment while I look for work. Maybe next week things will even out. I sure hope so.

Monday, June 21, 2010

1317 words

Friday saw 1317 words. I think I may need to adjust the goal to add the weekend words during the work week. It is probably not a surprise that I don't make too much time for writing when we are doing family stuff.

Father's day was great. We went and saw Alice in Wonderland at the dollar theater. Really enjoyed it. And they snagged me a copy of Mass Effect, so I have started down that great story.

Friday, June 18, 2010

2090 Words

Excellent writing day yesterday. Unexpectedly I received a few extra hours when I got home because my wife was still at the farmer's market and park with the kids. So, I made the most of it.

Honesty time though... First thing I did was fired up the 360 and loaded Gears of War 2. Played for a half hour or so and realized they might not be home as quickly as I thought. Decided that time was too rare to let it pass me by and started writing. Pretty happy with my progress.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

1034 words

1034 yesterday. Nothing else much to add.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

1134 Words

1134 words yesterday. Mostly getting things organized for Dragon Lords. Didn't realize quite how full my notebook was.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

3741 words

3741 for that short story. Looking forward to Dragon Lords tomorrow.

Friday, June 11, 2010

1000 Words

Just a quick update. Another 1k yesterday. Today will see the end of the story. Leaves me plenty of time for edits before June 30th.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

1200 words

1200 words yesterday. If I can duplicate that kind of progress today, should have this story done.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Back at it

My wife is doing quite well, recovering swiftly. So I have been back at it these last two days. Monday saw 250 words. Today was 750. I am a quarter through a short term writing project that I will submit by the end of June. Then working on Dragon Lords. All things considered, not doing too bad. Less time wasting tomorrow though.