Thursday, January 8, 2009

From the ashes...

Comes a story.

I've written this story before. Had it accepted for publication. Then the magazine folded. While I was a bit disappointed at this, I think it will work out better this way as I can change the story now. Truly make it my own. Previously, it was set it another world, governed by the laws of that world. Now that the magazine is no more, I can do what I want with it.

Oddly, this is turning out to be tougher than I thought it would. At first, I thought simply going through and changing locations would be enough. It's not. I'm still ironing out some things in my world. So while I know the story, a lot more complications are rearing their ugly heads. I'm not entirely sure at which point in time I want to start the story anymore. I had a 3k limit on the story previously, so I had to cut some things. Now the flood gates are open. We'll see how it goes.

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